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Quaker Basics Online 2025

  • Silver Wattle Quaker Centre 1063 Lake Road Bungendore Australia (map)

led by Therese Douglas and Sheila Keane

The course comprises 8 weekly Zoom sessions, Thursday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (AEST) from 11th September to 30th October 2025.

Weekly Zoom sessions are supplemented with readings and guest presentations. Topics include: Exploring the Light, Experience of Early Friends, Heart and Mind Prepared, Meeting for Worship, Your Voice in the Meeting, Leadings & Discernment, Testimony, and How Quakers are Organised.

You will be buddied up with 3 to 4 others in a group which will stay together through the entire course. You can be randomly allocated to a group or choose specific people for your group if you prefer. Please try to attend most if not all zoom sessions so your small group doesn't wind up being even smaller because you were not there!

This course is suitable for newer attenders and inquirers as well as experienced Friends who are seeking a re-grounding in Quakerism.

Contact Sheila if you want more details about the course

Therese Douglas is a member of the Friends Online Recognised Meeting. She has an extensive education background ranging from preschool to adult education in remote, rural and urban settings as well as yoga teaching! Currently she is a member of the Jan de Voogd Peace Fund Committee and recently retired as the Chair of Quaker Service Australia.

Sheila Keane created the original Australian Quaker Basics resource manual 24 years ago, and is an experienced online educator. She is a 1998 graduate of the School of the Spirit (Philadelphia YM) and has facilitated many other courses at Silver Wattle. She currently serves as convenor of the Silver Wattle Programs & Learning committee.